
The unique and personalized experience of the American Studies program is one that has allowed the program to maintain a strong community of alumni. The alumni of the program are deeply encouraged to stay in touch, attend events, and continue to engage with our community.

Keeping Up with American Studies

If you would like updates on what current American Studies majors are doing, the lives of AmStuds after graduation, or the program in general, follow us on Facebook and Instagram. You can also subscribe to our upcoming e-newsletter by emailing us.

Giving Back

American Studies continues to thrive because of the commitment of our alumni. Our students belong to an engaged community of thinkers and learners. Thanks to the support of our alumni, American Studies students continue to go on exciting field trips, every semester. We’ve recently travelled to Annapolis MD, Baltimore MD, Richmond VA, as well as exploring Washington DC’s extensive historical and cultural sites! Alumni support enables our students to perform rigorous and ambitious research, allowing them to travel during their senior Fall to visit historical sites, archives, and to conduct interviews.