Undergraduate Research FAQ

Point of Contact

Prof. Brian Hochman, Director of American Studies, brian.hochman@georgetown.edu.

Philosophy of research

We define research as the academic pursuit of a question. The products of research can take multiple forms.

How to get started

Research questions are integrated into the AMST core curriculum. In the sophomore core, students are introduced to the questions and methods of the field.  Our junior core seminars expose students to more advanced research questions and methods. Often these courses require bibliographic work and extended research essays, in consultation with the faculty instructor.

How to get connected with a faculty mentor

Students are assigned faculty mentors during their sophomore year. Those mentors guide them in course work and research opportunities through senior year, when students are asked to match with a thesis advisor.

Earning credit for undergraduate research

Through for-credit courses involving research, such as the two-course senior thesis sequence.

Getting paid for research

We have a well-established undergraduate research assistant program that pairs students with faculty who are in the process of pursuing research questions.  Students selected as RAs receive hourly compensation for research work.

Thesis or capstone research

Each AMST Major must research and create a senior thesis. The thesis is meant to be the culmination of the student’s learning in the major.